Sunday 22 April 2012

Gathering Inspiration

I was advised by my lecturer to try out some websites which would give me inspiration and ideas for my own packaging. One of the websites was

I searched for Coffee and it gave me coffee package designs, belows are the ones which caught my attention.

This design doesn't seem like it would be on a packet of coffee but that's what I find most intriguing about it. The colours are vibrant and really burst off the packet, it intently grabs us as the audience's attention. The layout also allows the pieces to stand out, the fact that the only type on the front is the name of the brand and the coffee, most of the type is concentrated to the back of the packaging which means the main focus is kept on the bright design at the front. If I saw this in the shop I would buy it mainly on the packaging and how unique and beautiful it looks. 

The design is very simple, the colours aren't really bright or intense but more calm and mellow and keep to a certain type of tone. The type is very creative, ti looks like someone has signed it on in their own hand instead of being boring and stiff it flows with the image of the coffee cup. Even when comparing these designs to the  FC coffee House, they don't seem less important or exciting but they do have very different tones when trying to capture the feeling of coffee. With this like I said it is more mellow and relaxing whereas the FC has more energy and excitement towards coffee and wants to put that point across to the audience.

 The next two designs are very similar in how they use numbers to show the different versions of the same brand but different flavors or types of coffee beans. This design is however different to the other design below when it comes to the use of intense and metallic colours for the background. The colours really allow the product to be seen, the use of intense block colours makes this not look like coffee (similar to the FC coffee). I love the layout of this product, the use of the white circle to feature the important information as well as the number.

 This design is similar like I said to the one above where they use numbers on the front to show the different types of coffee they have to offer. However, this one lacks the use of colour for the background and concentrates more on the type and using it to their advantage. The large numbers grab the audience's attention when placed against the bright white background.